Saturday, April 25, 2009

Swine Flu

So apparently there is a new strain of swine flu that has killed as many as 81 and sickened more than 1,324 in Mexico and has spread to the United States and is raising fears of a possible pandemic! Fabulous, huh? This influenza is some sort of respiratory disease of pigs from the 1930s. But somehow it is spreading to humans, most cases happening with those who've had direct contact with the hogs. I guess after that it spreads from human to human. Supposedly, there are only eight Americans who are infected, but my dad thinks there are more than that, according to the talk show he listens to on the radio. But what baffles me is why in the world we are not closing the borders when we KNOW this disease can be deadly. It makes zero sense! I just desperately hope this influenza dies down soon before it gets too fatal!


Jillian said...

I read about that, it's actually quite scary when it comes down to it. I pray it doesn't spread, amen?
Thanks so much for following! =]
It means a lot to know that people are reading what I write.
God Bless,
Jillian Jett

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy reading your blog...I love the adventures as well as the political aspect. Please continue sharing your life, thoughts and adventures!
A note regarding the pagent that you posted a few days ago...I completely agree with what Miss California had to say...marriage should and MUST be between only a man and a woman as God created it...however; I feel that when someone defends God's words and commands, she should be appropriately dressed.
So many issues to the whole situation but that is just one of my opinions and we all know, I am full of opinions! :P

Anonymous said...

Please allow me to add one more thing to the pagent...I am not nor never will support/watch/endorse "beauty" pagents. The only crown we should be seeking is the one Paul describes in 2 Timothy 4:8.

Emma said...

Hey, I really like your blog! Thanks for following mine!

That is pretty scary. I didn't even know about if till yesterday. God is in control though, and I'm sure many people are praying. :)

Victoria said...

I agree the swine flu sounds scary ! We should close the borders too.
Fortunately we have our hope in the Lord, the only one who can really help us.

Courtney said...

i know! isnt it crazy?? i agree with Torie...we have a God who is always faithful and who is in control at ALL so glad we have Him to depend on :)

Tunafish said...

The swine flu in the US sounds kinda like Ted Dekker's series, The Circle Trilogy. Just a strange connection. :)