"Arrogant, selfish, inconsiderate, self-absorbed, rude, ill-mannered, discourteous, snobbish, to name a few? Acting stupidly, perhaps? That's Sgt. Crowley helping a handicapped Professor Gates behind the Oblivious One. You remember the Sgt. Crowley who was called racist by Prof. Gates and "acting stupidly" by Obama? Incredible is the fact that no one on the White House staff even realized that there was anything wrong with this photo! This is the administration that truly cares about you!
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4 years ago
wow. Mind if i use it on my blog?
Sure! But make sure you also link it to www.seekyetruth.blogspot.com . Then I think it's legal. :P
Seek Ye Truth is an EXCELLENT blog to view daily. Lots of great info and encouragement.
Thanks for sharing this! Keep up the great work!
To all who read this -
Please pray for our beloved Megan - she will have major back surgery on Tuesday. The length of the surgery is unknown as they do not know what they will find, if anything. She should be in the hospital for about a week.
Also, please pray for our young cousin, Michael, who has a rare form of cancer...doc. are unsure how to treat him/not seeing any results of treatment. He is seeing a specialist tomorrow...please pray for accurate results, healing, grace, and mercy.
Thank you to each one of you for praying! You are a blessing!
Evann's mother
What happened to respecting the older generation? I loved the picture of President Bush holding hands with the elderly man but President Obama continues to walk on unaffected.
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