Monday, June 22, 2009

Well, I'm still alive! I promise! Sorry for the lack of posts. I should have some though by the end of the week. Pics from my dad's birthday party/father's day party! :)


Hannah said...

:) and now you know how it feels to run out of things to say.. ;)lol. finally!
but yeah, i wanted to say that i really love your blog, ev. and i enjoy reading it very much. i'm so glad you won't be deleting it anytime in the near future cause of certain strange people... ;) hahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are your relative, I was beginning to wonder.
I agree with Hannah - this is a great and informative blog!

Evann said...


Thank you, both! Y'all are sweet! :)

Elizabeth J. said...

I'm sure the pics will be great. It has been a while since you last blogged.

Jolie said...

ugh it's ABOUT TIME MISS EVANN!! hahahaha...i've missed you!! =P

Anonymous said...

Prayer request -
Megan's solo missionary trip on July
5th for 2 weeks to Mexico
Mrs. Volgo...her new daughter with Downs Syndrom

Evann said...

Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me!

Megan said...

Thanks for adding me to your prayer list girly! I really appreciate it. We need to get together soon...maybe I can come by and kidnap you for a cup of coffee in the near future. :)

Anonymous said...

Kidnap just HER for a cup of coffee??? Oh, gee, thanks... :P

Evann said...

Haha, sounds good to me! Take me away! (Maybe you could spend the night somehow too! Think you'd have time before ya leave me?)

Evann said...

Oh, and you're welcome sis. :)